• LED Christmas Tree:  Hand-made tree consisting of 16 strings of lights with 50 multi-color LEDS on each strring.  Thus, 800 LEDS on this tree.  Each string is mounted on 1/2 inch aluminum (EMT) pipe for strength.  As with other strings of lights in the system, this tree has a separte controller (seen on another web page on this site), that receives signals from the show computer via Cat-5 network cabling.  A close-up of 3 strings shown below. The LED lights are the small white squares.
    Closeup LED tree string

    LED Christmas tree

    LED Star:  The tree-top star is on a separate controller of its own.  It is build from 200 "bullet-shaped" multi-color LEDs drilled and inserted into a sheet of thick plastic in the shape of a star.  Each LED can be individually programmed to almost any color.

    Lighted Arches:
      These hand-made arches were created from 2-inch diameter translucent high pressure polyethylene tubing cut into lengths of 16 feet each.  A string of 50 LEDS is installed inside each pipe and when lighted, it produces a glow effect seen through the tubing.  As with other LEDS light strings, most any combination of colors or patterns can be produced by the software.

    Lighted Arches

    LED Flood Lights:  8 of these floods are used at various times to light the house.  They are RGB floods, meaning they can display almost any color. As with everything else, they are on a sepaarate controller and receive signals from the show computer to turn on at various intensities and colors as needed.

    LED flood lights

    FM transmitter:  
    It broadcasts the music on FM station 99.9 to let you hear full stereo music from the comfort of your car without having sound disturb our neighbors.  I broadcast on a radio where there is no local station within 50 miles. I built this transmitter from a kit of electronic parts.  It is an FCC approved transmitter.  The signal range is within a few blocks around the house. Audio from a dedicated show computer sends music to the transmitter from the same software that controls the lights.

    If you drive by the house and hear general music, then its a good sign the show isn't running yet, or it is finished for the night.  There are occasional announcements of show times, weather, etc to let you know you have the correct station.

    Wireless Signal Transmitter:
    A close-up view is on the right.  This device receives control signals transmitted from the show computer at some light controllers outside.  Range is about 1,000 feet.  It's possible for neighbors whom join their lights to ours can use a controller and wireless receiver to receive the same control signals from our computer.  Thus, their house lights can synchronize to the music and signals we transmit.

    Cameras, Flood Lights and Person Sensors:  I don't show cameras here, yet for safety and security, we have many very high definition night vision cameras monitoring the display, with sensors to let us know if tampering occurs.  A motion sensor is shown to the right.  There are a bunch of them.  Since electrical issues or security problems might occur, we want to make sure we know when it happens, the equipment gets deactivated and we get immediately notified.

    Motion sensors